Published in GÉP 2024/3-4
Dr. Piros Attila
egyetemi docens, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Gépészmérnöki Kar
Szőke Molnár Lajos
ügyvezető igazgató, ESZO Szerelő és Kereskedelmi Kft.
The article presents a postgraduate professional engineering training at the national level in a hybrid form, a highly specialized engineering subject, not only for those with a bachelor’s degree in engineering. E-learning works with MS Teams (education version). With the help of video recordings shared as aids, authorizations (elimination of fraud and abuse), and the software used (Smath, Onshape, even on mobile devices), the students acquire knowledge through comprehensive projects, which range from the creation of a product concept to the writing of the machining program. Automated hybrid examinations and the collection of student feedback are used to improve the effectiveness of education. Another goal is to extend the training results (as a pilot project) to the entire university education system. ESZO Ltd. provides a standalone engineering example for this training. The unique plasma cutting equipment – the intelligent table – demonstrates several details in different fields of engineering education.